Improve english vocabulary 1
Abhorrence of gambling
Abhorrent to the feelings
Abide by a decision/ promise
Abide with a person
Ability for/in some work
Abound in flowers, wealth
Abound with weeds, snakes
Abounding in/with fish
Absent from school
Absolved from/of guilt, charge
Absorbed in a novel/ thought/ work/ study
Abstain from food/ wine
Abstemious in
Abstinence from
Abundance of food
Accede to a request
Acceptable to a person
Access to a person or place
Accessible to bribes
Accession to the throne
Accessory to a crime
Accommodate (adapt) oneself to circumstances
Accommodate (furnish) one with money
Accommodated me with a loan
Accompanied by a friend
Accompanied with delirium
Accomplished in music/ art
Accord (agree) with truth/ something
Accord (grant) to a person
Accord something to somebody
accidents dystychiphobia
ageing gerascophobia
air anemophobia.
air (fresh) aerophobia
air sickness aeronausiphobia
air swallowing aerophobia.
airborne noxious substances aerophobia.
alcohol (drinking) dipsophobia
alcohol potophobia.
alcohol methyphobia
alone (being) or oneself or loneliness autophobia
alone, being or solitude Isolophobia
alone, being or solitude monophobia.
amnesia amnesiophobia
amphibians, (frogs, toads, newts) batrachophobia
Animal idioms
a loan-shark = someone who lends money at high interest rates: “Don’t borrow money from him - he’s a complete loan-shark.”
a memory like an elephant = have an excellent memory: “She won’t forget, you know. She has a memory like an elephant.”
a snake in the grass = someone who can’t be trusted: “Don’t tell him any secrets - he’s a snake in the grass.”
a white elephant = something that is expensive, but has no use: “People say the stadium is a white elephant and a waste of money.”
bug someone = irritate someone: “He’s really bugging me about the holiday! I wish he’d just go away and leave me alone.”
cat got your tongue? = a question we ask when we think someone is guilty of something: “Why don’t you say something? Cat got your tongue?”
cat’s whiskers = to think you are the best: “He thinks he’s the cat’s whiskers!”
from the horse’s mouth = get information from the original source: “I know they’re getting married - I got it from the horse’s mouth.”
get someone’s goat = annoy someone: “It really gets my goat when she criticises him - it’s not as if she’s perfect herself.”
have a bee in your bonnet = be obsessed by something: “He’s got a real bee in his bonnet about buying a new car. “
Antonyms & Synonyms
abandon verb 1. abandon one's wife desert, leave, forsake, depart from, leave behind, cast aside, jilt; inf. run out on. 2. abandon ship leave, depart from, go away from, vacate, withdraw from, quit. 3. abandon hope give up, renounce, relinquish, dispense with, forgo, desist from, forswear. 4. abandon a country to the enemy yield, surrender, give up, cede, relinquish, abdicate, deliver up, resign. 5. abandon smoking stop, give up, cease, drop, forgo, desist from, dispense with, abjure; inf. kick, jack in, pack in. 6. abandon oneself to despair give way to, give oneself up to, yield to, indulge in, lose oneself to/in. Antonyms: KEEP; RETAIN; CONTINUE. abandon noun behave with gay abandon recklessness, lack of restraint/inhibition, unrestraint, carelessness, wildness, impulse, impetuosity, immoderation, wantonness.
abbreviate verb shorten, reduce, cut, cut short/down, contract, condense, compress, abridge, truncate, clip, crop, shrink, constrict, summarize, abstract, precis, synopsize, digest. Antonyms: LENGTHEN; EXPAND; ELONGATE.
abdicate verb 1. the King abdicated in 1936 resign, stand down, retire, quit. 2. abdicate the throne give up, renounce, resign from, relinquish, abjure, cede; Law disclaim. 3. abdicate all responsibility give up, renounce, relinquish, abjure, repudiate, reject, disown, waive, yield, forgo, refuse, abandon, surrender, cast aside, drop, turn one's back on, wash one's hands of. Antonyms: CLAIM.
abhorrence noun [mass noun] a feeling of revulsion; disgusted loathing, The action of abhorring; detestation. Antonyms: LIKING;
abolish verb do away with, put an end to, end, stop, terminate, axe, eliminate, eradicate, exterminate, destroy, annihilate, stamp out, obliterate, wipe out, extinguish, quash, expunge, extirpate, annul, cancel, invalidate, nullify, void, rescind, repeal, revoke, vitiate, abrogate. Antonyms: KEEP; RETAIN; MAINTAIN.
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